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Erickson Teal 2.0 is an advanced approach to building people-centric organizations, equipped to handle the emergent challenges of today's world. Join this initiative and become a leading-edge organizational coach and Teal 2.0 champion.

To understand Erickson Teal 2.0, we start from the beginning. There are several foundational ideas and frameworks, starting with spiral dynamics in 1996 and the work of Ken Wilber. We then move into coaching culture in 2004, emphasizing a coaching communication style that extends beyond formal one-on-one coaching. Agile and business agility also play significant roles, particularly since 2010, bringing valuable tools and technology into the Teal 2.0 framework.

A critical milestone in this journey is the book “Reinventing Organizations,” published in 2014, which we refer to as Teal 1.0. We strongly recommend you read this book, as it is considered a foundational text for understanding teal principles. However, Teal 1.0 was somewhat incomplete, and we are addressing its gaps with this next-gen launch. We see coaching as the core DNA of Erickson Teal 2.0

The main Teal 1.0 keyword was “humanistic” and involved transitioning from hierarchical to flatter, self-governing organizations. Contrary to popular belief, teal is not about firing all managers; instead, it introduces a servant leadership style that builds on facilitation, collaborative and alignment.

Post-pandemic, there is a tremendous need in organizations for more trust, psychological safety, and respect. 79% of employees don’t strongly trust their boss or organization (Gallup 2023). The corporate model, at some level, doesn't work well for the people within companies, which is driving the need for people-centric approaches. At Erickson, our vision for Teal 2.0 places coaching, relationship and trust as the centre of every effective organization.


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