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Want to beat the competition - Start with Trust

Want to beat the competition?
Start by dealing with the trust challenges that are killing
your team’s ability to deal with complexity.

Abstract: As an organizational coach, the number one question CEOs are asking me is: “How can we stay competitive in the face of the ever-changing needs of the market, workforce, and business strategy?” At some point, the constant change seems to overwhelm strategic thinking and good management. How can you help us solve this?”

Teal is an organizational coaching system that has been gaining traction and momentum since 2014. How can coaches and business leaders use the Erickson Teal 2.0 organizational coaching system to build a future ready workforce equipped with the skills and mindset to tackle the big competitive challenges?


The modern business environment is characterized by rapid changes, market volatility, and increased uncertainty, all of which contribute to the difficulty companies face in staying ahead. The primary challenge that underpins these issues is complexity. As the business world becomes more intricate, with more variables, data, and unforeseen challenges, the ability to manage and navigate this complexity is crucial for sustaining competitiveness.

Complexity in the business world has exploded in recent years. Whether it’s due to technological advancements, globalization, or shifting market demands, the sheer volume of complexity that businesses face today is overwhelming. Every day, new challenges arise that require immediate attention, and this constant barrage can tie companies in knots, making it difficult to move forward effectively. When companies are surveyed about their most significant challenges, almost every issue can be traced back to some form of complexity, whether it's in operations, strategy, or management.


Complexity is killing strategic implementation: The increase in complexity has profound implications for the people within an organization, particularly those who are responsible for driving business results and strategic initiatives. These talented individuals often find themselves overwhelmed, unable to cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Instead of pushing forward with innovative solutions and strategies, they get bogged down by the intricacies of managing day-to-day operations and the constant stream of new challenges. The result is a loss of momentum and a stifling of the creativity and forward-thinking that is essential for maintaining a competitive edge.

Given this environment, the question then becomes: What stands in the way of these leaders and teams being able to effectively deal with complexity? The answer lies in one crucial element: trust. Trust is the foundation upon which successful teams and organizations are built. Without a strong sense of trust, individuals and teams are unable to function at their best, particularly in high-pressure, complex situations.

When employees do not feel safe, secure, or grounded in their company, their ability to engage in higher-level thinking and problem-solving is significantly impaired. There is ample research to support this claim, demonstrating that trust is a critical component in creating an environment where complex problems can be effectively addressed. Without trust, individuals and teams are more likely to become paralyzed by the challenges they face, unable to move forward with confidence and clarity.

The challenge of trust in the business world has been exacerbated in recent years, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated market disruptions. The level of trust within companies has plummeted, creating an environment of uncertainty and instability. According to reports, a staggering 78% of employees do not trust their boss or organization, and these numbers have been steadily increasing. This erosion of trust is a significant barrier to overcoming complexity and maintaining competitiveness.


Trust is the foundation of the Erickson Teal 2.0 organizational coaching system: To address this challenge, it is essential to focus on rebuilding trust within organizations. This requires a deliberate and strategic approach, beginning with targeted interventions in key teams and leaders. By creating a breakthrough in trust, organizations can lay the foundation for tackling the most difficult challenges they face. This involves not only rebuilding trust at an individual level but also fostering a culture of trust across the entire organization.

One effective approach to rebuilding trust is through a short, focused program designed to address the specific needs of the organization. This program would target five key teams and five key leaders within the company, providing them with the tools and support they need to build trust and tackle the most pressing challenges. By focusing on these critical areas, the program can create a ripple effect throughout the organization, leading to broader cultural shifts and improved performance.


High Impact Teal: The Erickson Teal 2.0 approach is structured around a series of team engagements centred around strategic initiatives designed to build trust and enhance the team's ability to deal with complexity. These team engagements include workshops, team coaching, and self-governed team project implementation, all aimed at fostering open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect. By creating a safe and supportive environment, the High Impact Teal approach enables teams to engage in the kind of higher-level thinking that is necessary for solving complex problems.

As trust is rebuilt and strengthened, the organization would be better positioned to tackle the challenges that are slowing down its growth and strategic opportunities. With a foundation of trust, teams can move forward with greater confidence, clarity, and cohesion, enabling them to take on even the most difficult projects. The goal of the Erickson Teal Approach is to achieve tangible results within 90 days, demonstrating the impact of increased trust on the organization’s ability to navigate complexity and remain competitive.


Step 1: Teal Intake: To ensure the success of an initiative, it all begins with a Teal Intake program, requiring a small initial commitment of time and resources from an organization. Usually, we need about 10 hours of time from key leaders and teams to set up the strategic project initiatives and run a short warm-up program to assess the leadership team’s readiness. At the end of this 10 hours, the organization will have a clear path the next steps for driving competitiveness through trust-building initiatives.


Step 2: Become a Teal organizational coach: Assisting companies to maintain competitiveness in the face of change is the one skill that is needed more than ever. Market demands are driving more traditional managers and professional coaches to develop themselves into Teal coaches and Teal style leaders. Start building your Teal coaching and leadership skills.


Complexity, from enemy to ally: The modern business environment is characterized by unprecedented levels of complexity, making it increasingly difficult for companies to remain competitive. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in rebuilding trust within organizations. By focusing on creating a foundation of trust, companies can empower their teams to navigate complexity more effectively, tackle difficult challenges, and ultimately maintain their competitive edge. Ultimately, dealing with complexity will become your strategic advantage.

Erickson Teal 2.0 is a targeted program that addresses the specific needs of key teams and leaders, and is an essential first step in this process, laying the groundwork for long-term success in an increasingly complex world.


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