
Mindfulness Practices for increased awareness

Written by Chelsea Frank | Oct 20, 2023 10:46:54 AM

In the world we live in today, where distractions abound and our minds are constantly pulled in a million different directions, finding a moment of inner peace and clarity can seem like an elusive dream. Yet, within each of us lies a powerful tool that can transform our lives and help us navigate the chaos with grace and resilience. This tool is mindfulness.

Mindfulness is more than just a buzzword; it's a profound practice that has the potential to revolutionize the way you experience life. Whether you are new to the concept or have dabbled in mindfulness before, this blog is your gateway to understanding and truly experiencing this transformative art.

Imagine a life where you can fully savor the present moment, unburdened by regrets of the past or anxieties about the future. A life where you can find solace in the midst of chaos, and cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures that surround you. 

Now, take a deep breath in as we head on a journey together to explore the essence of mindfulness, demystify its principles, and offer practical guidance on how to integrate it into your daily life. Whether you seek relief from stress, a greater sense of purpose, or simply want to become the best version of yourself, mindfulness is the key that can unlock these doors for you.

With this, my mission is to give you knowledge and tools that can bring about positive change in your life. I invite you to dive into the world of mindfulness with an open heart and a curious mind. Along the way, you'll find that mindfulness is not just a practice but a way of being—a path to self-discovery, personal growth, and lasting happiness.

Let's take the first step together and explore the profound art of living in the present moment, one breath at a time.

  • Mindfulness Meditation

What is mindfulness meditation? I'll be honest; it might sound a bit daunting at first. Picture yourself sitting in complete silence, just being, each breath in an attempt to find inner calm.

Now, research shows that meditation is not just about finding your zen; it can actually work wonders for your brain. A study conducted by UCLA indicates that meditation has the ability to slow down the aging process of the brain, preserving its gray matter.

Here is a video on guided meditation, follow this guide and meditate for increased sensory awareness. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, enhances focus and introduces compassion.


  • Body scan meditation

Have you ever heard of body scan meditation? This mindfulness practice involves shifting your mindset to focus on different parts of your body, typically starting from your toes and gradually ascending to your head. The goal is to pay attention to various body parts, including physical sensations, tension, and discomfort.

Tara Brach, the author of "Radical Acceptance," beautifully captures the essence of this practice:

"As you journey through the landscape of your body, remember the power of radical acceptance. Embrace each sensation and feeling without judgment, for it is through this act of embracing that we truly come home to ourselves."

The primary objective is to enable yourself to be fully present in your body, acknowledging the sensations you are experiencing in the moment. This process fosters awareness and helps you become more attuned to your body.

Body scan meditation can be a valuable tool for reducing stress, improving body awareness, and promoting relaxation. It's often used as part of mindfulness and meditation practices, and it can be particularly helpful for those looking to connect more deeply with their bodies and relieve physical tension.

  • Breath awareness

Breath awareness is a fundamental mindfulness practice. It teaches you to be fully present with your breath, fostering a sense of calm and centering the mind. It can be practiced anywhere, making it a versatile tool for managing stress.

Here are some techniques you can use to practice breath awareness:

  1. Sit or lie down in a relaxed posture.
  2. Focus your attention on your breath.
  3. Observe the natural inhalation and exhalation, noticing the rise and fall of your chest or the sensation at your nostrils.
  4. Let thoughts come and go, gently bringing your focus back to your breath.
  • Mindful Eating

The concept of mindful eating involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and engaging all the senses. It helps in developing a healthier relationship with food, promoting gratitude, and preventing overeating by increasing awareness of hunger and satiety cues.

We have highlighted a simple guide for your mindful eating practice. Let’s
  1. start with choosing a piece of food (like a raisin). Observe it closely, noticing its texture, color, and shape.
  2. Smell it and feel its weight in your hand.
  3. Slowly put it in your mouth, chew deliberately, and savor the taste. Notice the sensations and flavors as you continue to chew and swallow.
  • Mindful Walking

One of my favorites, mindful walking, involves bringing your full attention to the act of walking. It promotes a sense of grounding, reduces stress, and enhances the appreciation of the simple activity of walking. It can be particularly useful for calming the mind and reducing anxiety.

Incorporating mindful walking into your daily routine can help elevate your mood and help you gather a sense of what is happening around you. When you take that moment to step outside, feel the ground beneath your feet with each step. Notice the movement of your body and the surrounding environment. Be aware of the sounds, smells, and sights around you. Walk slowly and deliberately.

Just reading that should make you feel calm, because it definitely did for me!

  • Mindfulness in everyday life

Mindfulness in everyday life means being fully present and engaged in routine activities. It transforms mundane tasks into opportunities for awareness and presence, reducing overall stress and enhancing the quality of your experience.

Choose a routine activity, like washing dishes. Instead of letting your mind wander, focus entirely on the task. Feel the water, notice the scent of soap, and pay attention to the sensations in your hands as you wash each dish mindfully.

  • Mindfulness apps and resources:

Mindfulness apps and resources offer a variety of guided practices, meditation sessions, and mindfulness exercises. They provide accessible tools for individuals to incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives, catering to different preferences and schedules.

Explore mindfulness apps like Headspace, Calm, or Insight Timer. Use guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindful activities available on these platforms regularly.

By incorporating these mindfulness practices into your routine, you can enhance your overall well-being, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and presence in your life.