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Build Your Coaching Business With Marketing Activities That You Love!

Successful entrepreneurs not only know what they are great at, but they also make it a priority to structure their business so they can spend most of their time, at least 80 percent of work hours in those areas.  

In order to do this, it’s important to recognize that you shouldn’t be doing everything that your business requires. Developing a business that you love to work in requires that you develop a mind for delegation, systems and support.  The bigger the vision, the more important it is to spend your time expressing your attractive abilities, doing what you are great at and what you love to do. Why? You will get better results with less effort. Every time. 

What if you brought this concept to your marketing activities?

Think about it! If you are doing something you enjoy, you’re more likely to keep doing it. And when the public sees you doing something you enjoy and find effortless, they see you at your best. They see the real you, and as a result, they get YOU and they get your message! When you bring this concept to your marketing activities, it will fundamentally transform both your mindset and your business. Whatever your skill set is, whatever your natural style is, it can be leveraged to promote your business. For example, if you love coaching and one-on-one conversations really light you up, you’ll find ways to market your business through coaching and you’re going to love every minute of it. If public speaking is your thing, there are countless opportunities to promote yourself that way. If you’re on the shy side, perhaps writing articles is more your style. No matter what you were made to do, you can apply it to your marketing and reap amazing results.  Let’s take a closer look at three main ways to market your business and the specific attractive abilities that align with each one. 

Generating massive exposure for your business

Potential activities

  • Speaking engagements
  • Media: TV, radio, print
  • Advertising workshops/retreats

 Attractive Abilities

  • Socially and verbally assertive
  • A natural performer
  • Good at influencing others
  • A natural networker
  • Can envision a big dream and engage others in it
  • Enjoy challenges
  • Drive for results
  • Always thinking about what’s next
  • People-oriented
  • Desire to reach out to people
  • Enjoy being with larger groups
  • Able to start a conversation with anyone

Developing committed personal relationships

 Potential activities

  • Strategic alliances
  • Cross promotion
  • Networking
  • 1-on-1 relationships
  • Creating raving fans
  • Asking for referrals

 Attractive Abilities

  • Loyalty
  • Great listener
  • Patient
  • Empathetic
  • Problem solver
  • Enjoy deepening relationships
  • Maintain and nurture long-term relationships
  • Enjoy a team environment

Leveraging online and publishing opportunities

 Potential activities

  • Article/column writing
  • Newsletters/blogs
  • Social media strategy

 Attractive Abilities

  • A love for technology
  • Curious about or into the power of technology
  • Creativity
  • Naturally ability to communicate through the written word
  • Enjoy following rules and procedures
  • Great attention to detail
  • Enjoy creating and maintaining structure and systems

To some extent, we dabble in all three categories to market our business. However, there is usually one area that is a natural fit for you and one that will prove to be an effortless and fun way to build your business. 

Erickson Business Center Challenge: Choose three business building activities that align with your natural abilities and develop a 90-day action plan. Be consistent with your actions and begin to experience the momentum of taking your business to the next level.