Tara Panton
Driven by her intellectual curiosity and intrinsic motivation, Tara has embarked on an unconventional career path, exploring a diverse range of roles and responsibilities. Her journey began during her degree in Marine Science, where she honed her ability to compile, analyze, and evaluate data. Tara quickly learned to make data-driven decisions and manage her time and learning independently. These foundational skills filled her metaphorical suitcase, preparing her for the journey ahead. As she ventured further, Tara applied these skills in various operational, managerial, and strategic roles. Along the way, she added new tools to her suitcase: the ability to build strong professional relationships in a remote context, the capacity to work effectively across time zones, and a growing desire to develop a modern leadership style and sharpen her business acumen. Tara's unconventional career choices are not just steps but milestones on her path to her dream career. Her story is one of exploration, growth, and determination.