Dermot Butterly
Dermot Butterly, known as The Celtic Coach, is passionate about helping people create extraordinary lives by encouraging them to step up, step out, and do non-ordinary things. As the host and producer of The Celtic Coach Radio Show – Where Science, Spirituality, and Self-Discovery Meet on KOWS 92.5FM, Dermot brings his love for personal growth to the airwaves, interviewing top leaders in self-development and transformation. He blends humor, storytelling, and 80s music in a dynamic show that combines Tony Robbins' motivation, Robin Williams' humor, and a dash of Irish charm. Dermot's journey in personal growth has seen many forms, including a 17-month spiritual journey in 2008, where he organized a Peace Walk from LA to DC. As a Coach Trainer with Erickson Coaching International, he supports aspiring coaches in honing their skills for success. With over 16 years of coaching experience, Dermot brings a wealth of personal experience and training to his clients, serving as a dedicated partner in their journey to create more meaning, value, and purpose in their lives.