We are honored and thrilled to announce that Erickson Coaching International (China) has won another award from the Human Resource Excellence Centre, China’s largest and most influential membership-based network for HR professionals. This is the fifth time Erickson Coaching has won the "China's Best Coach Supplier Value Award" and we are the only coaching company that has won 5 consecutive awards in this region.
During the process of reviewing companies for this award, Erickson was selected by 500 learning and development leaders from top business organizations and companies. Erickson Coaching International has been offering its ICF-certified coach training programs in China since 2007 and has become the leader in the coaching industry.
HREC review standards are very strict and involve a year and a half work of cross-investigation, evaluation, and feedback review of 518 corporate customers. Four evaluation criteria were used to award this distinction: 1) Broad visibility rate; 2) Narrow visibility rate; 3) Market utilization rate; 4) Brand recommendation rate. Erickson was nominated and came first in each of these criteria, with 100% recommendation rate from the corporate clients.
We thank our global Erickson community for continuous support and collaboration. This honor belongs to all Erickson’s employees, trainers, partners, Alumni and learners. Erickson is proud to be a major influence in China and the executive coaching field there.