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2023 Letter from Erickson Coaching International CEO, Louise Hendey

 Perhaps the real gift this year is not what we receive, but what we let go.

I have traveled what has felt like a light-year in 2023; a year of sunrises, sunsets and in most instances not being able to tell the difference.  Who can after all?  

During my meditative aerobic workout this morning, an image emerged. I noticed an intriguing hovercraft floating above my head, moored by an invisible yet indestructible thread to an immovable rock buried within me. I could give the rock a name, even a beautiful one and I had grown to love that rock, but the hovercraft seemed alien-like. It was bedazzling, yet fictitious. What was it?  

The hovercraft and the rock were perfectly weighted and balanced. Neither would move. Like the sunrises and sunsets, there was no telling what was holding what in place.  And yet, the rock needed to move.  I loved her but she was growing uncomfortably heavy.

“What if I am the cord anchoring these together?” I wondered.

Perhaps we try hard to move, push, and dislodge our inner rocks. Perhaps we even throw in other prettier rocks to cover up the uglier, uncomfortable ones. It never works, does it?

Yet, all it takes is for us to see that each rock is tied with an invisible thread to a Hovercraft with no name. 

Maybe it is the expectation of how things ought to be,  
or the betrayal that we will not release, 
or the failure of yesteryear that we still ruminate on,  
or the mirage of certainty that we long for…. 

The work is not focusing on and shifting the rocks. Perhaps all we need to do is name that Hovercraft moored to the rock. Then, let it go, and the immovable rock floats weightlessly away.

I am not one for tangible gifts. My children think they suffer at Christmas. I prefer soulful gifts.  This year, my soulful gift to myself is to let something go. I wish the same for you.

Whatever has become heavy for you, find the hovercraft anchoring it. Then let it go. And in so doing, be blessed with the gift of the space, freedom and lightness needed to create something new.

If you celebrate, may the holidays be blessed with letting go, and equally holding on to what is most cherished by you.

Love and Good wishes,