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Linda Hamilton

Class of 2004

Professional Coach

Linda is an award-winning ICF Master Certified Executive Coach. She is a pioneer in the coaching profession in Canada and has coached hundreds of individuals and teams of professionals since launching her company in 1998. Linda has been, and continues to be a reoccurring guest/speaker on numerous platforms (newspaper, tv, social media) and programs speaking and writing on the power of human connection, contribution and growth. 

Linda specializes in working with Socially Conscious Individuals, Entrepreneurs, Executives & Organizations who are committed to make a difference in the world.  Be that on an individual, community, national &/or global level in the areas of leadership, communications, team building, resilience, life balance & fulfillment. In addition to a thriving private practice, Linda has also been on the faculty of Erickson Coaching International since 2006 focusing on supporting coaches to deepen their coaching skills and knowledge in service of the coaching profession as a whole. 

Get to know  Linda Hamilton

What are you most proud of from the past 20 years?

There are so many things I am proud of during the past 20 years.

  • Being a pioneer in the coaching profession.
  • Becoming the first certified graduate of the Art & Science of Coaching.
  • Earning my Master Certified Coach designation in 2003, one of the first in Canada.
  • Going on stage to accept two entrepreneur of the year awards when I was
    eight months pregnant with our second child.
  • Celebrating being both a dedicated loving mother & wife, and passionate coach & entrepreneur.
  • After 25 years coaching, I am still in contact with many of my clients today, witnessing them thriving and loving their lives.
  • Living a life in alignment with what success looks and feels like to me.
  • That I still get up every morning loving what I do after 25 years.
What does transformation mean to you and what role do you feel coaching plays in the transformation of society? 

If you look up the definition of transformation, the words “metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal” are used. Metamorphosis innately happens in nature and I believe the same holds true for people. As a coach, I call this the “rewilding”
process. The premise of rewilding is to bring an ecosystem back into its natural state and when this is done, the ecosystem as a whole thrives. The ecosystem I am referring to here is that of our inner world, the vast expansive terrain that makes up each of us and all of us. When we can each connect with our essential self, the truth of who we are, this in turn brings balance to our outer world and how we live our lives and in society. Why is this important? How does this relate to transformation in us as individuals and society? When we step beyond our conditioning, beliefs and thoughts, we see and feel the truth of who we are, accessing the deeper knowing place innate to us as humans. That is how society evolves, grows, and thrives. I see the role of coaching as assisting & guiding individuals back to their natural state of well-being and that in turn impacts society
as a whole in positive & truly sustainable ways.

What role has Erickson played in your transformation in the past 20 years?

I have a deep appreciation and respect for the ICF Core Competencies which are embedded in the coach training provided by Erickson. If you really look at the core competencies, they can be applied to every aspect of life. Being an MCC since 2003 and a mentor coach since 2006 has given me the gift of deepening into the ICF core competencies and experiencing the impact and richness of them both personally, in my own life and in the lives of my clients and coaches I mentor today.
