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Galiya Khamitova

Class of 2006

Certified Business Trainer

Meet Galiya – a dedicated facilitator, certified business trainer, and coach-mentor extraordinaire. With a wealth of experience, Galiya plays a pivotal role in international coach training programs such as ASCTH, ACTP, and ССE, holding the esteemed recognition to nurture and guide aspiring professional coaches across Central Asia, Caucasus, and CIS.

Galiya's passion for fostering growth extends beyond the classroom. As a strong advocate for the expansion of Erickson Coaching, she actively supports the establishment of representative offices in Central Asia and Caucasus, weaving a web of opportunity for coaches in these regions.

At the heart of Galiya's endeavors lies a commitment to excellence. Through meticulous training and certification processes, she empowers business trainers and coaches alike, infusing each step with the power of mentoring and supervision. Galiya's presence amplifies the journey of learning, making her an invaluable asset in the realm of coaching and professional development.
  the joy of learning. It's at these times that his heart beats with enthusiasm and purpose.
