The Erickson Coaching International program for non-profit organizations offers free coaching sessions to managers and leaders of non-profit organizations as part of Erickson's social responsibility mission. We believe in developing human potential and understand that the contribution by non-profit organizations is helping to drive humanity forward and change the world for the better. That's why we've made it our mission to provide support to employees within these companies by offering free of charge coaching sessions.
All non-profit coaching sessions are conducted by professionally trained graduates of our signature The Art & Science of Coaching program. This also provides an opportunity for graduates to work with leaders, interact with real life business situations and develop their own social responsibility.
Impact from our coaching services in non-profit organizations
Managers complete this program yearly
Increase in team collaboration
Managers recommend
NGO's have participated to date
Teach for China
Teach for China's mission is to bring education to areas of China where education opportunities are scarce.
Coaches support teachers to develop their leadership and communication skills.
85 teachers received coaching from 63 coaches over 4,5 months in 5 provinces of China.
A total of 350+ coaching sessions took place.
The results of Erickson's coaching and coach training:
- 96.6% said that they experienced improvement in their communication skills
- 91 % said that coaching helped them develop meaningful action steps at the end of the coaching session
- 96% said that they now can identify challenges and solve problems more efficiently
Educating Girls in Rural China
A total of 340 Coaching sessions took place over 4 months for 68 managers of Educating Girls of Rural China.
Managers engaged in emotional intelligence training and team coaching workshops.
- 96% of managers marked their satisfaction rate as 'excellent'
- 100% said that they would recommend this program to others
- 100% believe that coaching has an incredible ability to stimulate their potential
- 96% said that coaching helped them enhance their way of thinking
Join Erickson's Social Impact Project
Coaching for Nonprofit Organizations
Why do
nonprofit organizations
participate in coaching?
Coaching has an impact on a number of key success drivers in nonprofit organizations. Coaching impacts nonprofit organization by:
- improving communication skills within the organization
- optimizing individual and team performance
- improving business management strategies
- improving work-life balance amongst employees
- improving employee well-being
- increasing overall productivity.

What are your commitments when joining Erickson's coaching program for nonprofit organizations?
You are committed to:
- Selecting managers to be coached
- Setting an organization-wide agenda for coaching
- Providing feedback to coaches
- Allowing coaches to use your organization's name in case studies
What are Erickson's commitments when your organization joins our coaching program?
We are committed to:
- Providing professionally trained coaches that match your organization's needs
- Managing administration
- Providing reports to your organization's leadership upon program completion
How does the process work?
Coaching for Nonprofit Organizations
An Erickson NPO project leader will set up a call with the NPO. The NPO will be assessed on it's needs and the scope of coaching services will be established. Resourcing and Contracting will follow this conversation.
Now the Coaching begins, each candidate identified will receive 6 coaching sessions over a defined period of time.
The coaching candidates identified will attend an 'Intro to Coaching' webinar. Candidates will undergo a pre-coaching assessment. Candidates will then receive 30 min coaching call to establish how their personal goals align with the NPO's goals.
At the end of coaching period, each candidate will complete a post-coaching assessment and an organization-wide report returned.
Do you know of an organization that can benefit from Solution-Focused coaching?