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Register to Join our

20 Years of Transformation Panel Discussion 

06 September 2023 8am - 9am PST 

Celebration of our 20th Anniversary being ICF accredited. The transformation of anything and anybody can open up new worlds of opportunity and possibility. The profession of coaching is a great example.

In this panel discussion event, we will be celebrating 20 years of coaching transformation and how it’s transformed the people of this world. This includes the past, present, and future of coaching from both an ICF perspective and an Erickson perspective. We will also explore coaching trends and the way people, businesses, and the profession of coaching continue to be transformed.

Hosted by Erickson CEO Louise Hendey, our panelists include:

  • Magdalena Mook – CEO of the International Coaching Federation
  • Marilyn Atkinson – President of Erickson Coaching International
  • Dumi Magadlela - ICF Global Board (Chair)
  • Zerrin Baser - Erickson Board Member, MCC Coach

    Let us gather as solution-focused individuals and hear from the people who have been shaping, and continue to shape, the face and transformation of coaching

Thanks for registering!