Cory Martin
Class of 2015
Professional Coach
I grew up in a few small, rural towns in Manitoba, Canada, eventually moving to Vancouver, Canada where I currently reside.
My professional journey has taken me from a teenage burger slinger to a current Coach and Alumni Community Manager with Erickson Coaching International, as well as an ICF Certified Professional Coach. In-between there have been wonderful experiences in Dietetics and Acting. A wide variety of experiences has allowed me to connect with a diverse range of people and stories, which has been immensely satisfying.
Creativity and fun are strong values of mine and light me up. I enjoy painting, writing, and connecting with all the nature British Columbia provides.
Get to know Cory Martin
I’m most proud of the relationships that I have given conscious attention to my whole life to family and friends, and the curious communication skills that I bring to this area. I now have deep and joyful bonds with the people in my life.
To me, transformation means the opportunity to explore new worlds. I remember getting my driver’s license and I got to experience the world differently as someone transformed into a ‘driver.’ I transformed into an ‘actor’ and was opened up to how others lived their life in ways I had not experienced. In terms of coaching, asking questions so people can think about a person or situation differently can open up brand new worlds for them and how they communicate and move forward in life.
From the moment I walked into my first day of coach training, every pie piece on my life wheel shifted to even more satisfying. I transformed into a self-loving and curious person. I transformed into a coach, a more dynamic friend, brother, and son. Professionally, I ended up working at Erickson with multiple teams, taking in this content and learning even deeper.