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Anastasiya Yuryeva

Class of 2019

Professional Coach

Introducing Anastasiya Yuryeva, a visionary entrepreneur fueled by a passion for coaching and a love for global discovery. As your gateway to business, coaching, and international flair, I bring a unique blend of expertise and experience.

  •  Coaching Approach: With 1500+ coaching hours as a certified PCC coach, I believe in unlocking potential within individuals and teams. I design impactful educational programs, empower women entrepreneurs, and provide mentorship following ICF standards.
  • Techpreneurial Journey: As a co-founder, I've disrupted the IT industry for 15+ years, delivering innovative solutions worldwide. I pioneered outsourcing, expanding across Europe and the Middle East. Notably, I made history as the first female IT company director in Belarus's High Technology Park in 2007.
  • Erickson Belarus Venture: Establishing Erickson Belarus in 2019, we've trained 200+ coaches, earning recognition as Belarus's top coaching school for three consecutive years. Our success is driven by a dedicated team, including Belarus's sole Master Coach (MCC).
  • Global Impact: In 2023, I launched the first Erickson representation in the UAE, reflecting our unceasing ambition.
  • Lifelong Learning: Armed with a math background and an MBA from EHU, I'm a perpetual learner, exploring countless coaching and personal development programs.
  • Wanderlust and Canine Dynamism: Having explored 56+ countries, I'm fueled by diverse cultures. Joining me on these journeys is my remarkable Weimaraner, a star at international dog exhibitions.
In a world where compassion meets business and curiosity fuels ambition, I'm dedicated to making a difference. Whether you seek groundbreaking learning, superior coaching, or a fellow explorer, let's build a legacy together!

Get to know   Anastasiya Yuryeva

What are you most proud of from the past 20 years?

I believe the optimal approach to addressing this question is to express that I take pride in my adeptness at adapting and making decisions. Furthermore, I derive immense satisfaction from my ability to construct from the ground up, and I hold a sense of accomplishment for the noteworthy milestones I've already attained in my life. I embody the type of individual who transforms words into actions and purposeful undertakings that yield value and financial gain.

In my personal life, I've embraced a sequence of audacious decisions that I tackled without trepidation. Entering matrimony at a relatively young age, subsequently undergoing divorce, followed by remarriage, and raising children with a considerable age gap, all stand as pivotal landmarks in my journey. Additionally, I've displayed a lack of hesitancy in relocating across countries, transitioning from one place to another on multiple occasions.

All these consequential occurrences reaffirm my proficiency in making demanding decisions and effectively executing them in practical situations.

What does transformation mean to you and what role do you feel coaching plays in the transformation of society? 

In my perspective, coaching stands out as the most potent tool and philosophy that guides us through our journey of change. It's incredibly valuable for helping us become aware of what we want to change, defining our desires in its place, and effectively navigating this path of transformation. Additionally, coaching empowers us to remain resilient even during moments of fatigue or challenging life circumstances, enabling us to persist rather than give up.

Looking at it from a societal angle, coaching primarily revolves around a respectful and environmentally conscious approach to change, where we take charge of the process. This approach deeply respects human dignity and offers a way to change with gentleness, avoiding emotional traumas or breakdowns. Coaching allows us to undergo transformative journeys thoughtfully, taking into account the impact on both ourselves and others.

What role has Erickson played in your transformation in the past 20 years?

Above all, coaching has become my profession, catalyzing significant shifts in my career trajectory. Additionally, coaching has evolved into the professional arena in which I cultivate growth, honing my skills, and it has captured my profound interest. Moreover, coaching has played a pivotal role in fostering opportunities for societal change in my surroundings. As an Erickson Coaching International Partner, I consistently uphold its values, which enable individuals, upon completing their training, to instigate change and positively impact the lives of others. And naturally, coaching constitutes a mindset, thus, thanks to coaching, my thought processes have undergone transformation.
